Las llaves de la ciudad

Department of self-congratulation

When you write a book, you never know what's going to happen. Sadly, most of them disappear into black holes, never to be heard from again. I am relieved that the critical response to First Stop in the New World, my panoramic look at Mexico City, published last June by Riverhead, was so overwhelmingly positive. (Click here to get to its Amazon page and read fragments of the reviews.)


There were more surprises at the end of last year. It was named one of the best fifty non-fiction books of the year by the San Francisco Chronicle (click here) and one of the ten best books of the year by an internet site called The Globalist (click here).


My other book, Las llaves de la ciudad -- a collection of magazine pieces about some of Mexico City's most extraordinary citizens -- was named one of the 12 best books of the year by Críticas, a magazine that reviews books in Spanish in the U.S. (Click here.) It is in bookstores all over Mexico. After a long delay, it is finally available on Amazon (click here), at Barnes & Noble (click here) and at Borders (click here).